Advent Begins November 29.

Welcome to Words for Waiting, a collection of reflections for the seasons of Advent and Christmas. As some fellow UKirk Board members and I brainstormed what it might mean to anticipate and celebrate the birth of Christ at the end of a year that has been…unique, to say the least, we were struck by the wide range of emotions that being human actually entails, and we kept coming back to one phrase in particular. So, this year Words for Waiting has a theme — CRY OUT. We thought of the lyric from the hymn “Canticle of the Turning” that proclaims, “my soul cries out with a joyful shout,”* but we also couldn’t forget David crying out in Psalm 13, “how long, O Lord?” 

Whether your exclamations are for joy, justice, lament, or simply the uncertainty of it all, we hope that this year’s devotional will honor the fact that Jesus came to earth to stand right in the middle of it with us. 

Beginning on November 29, each day you’ll find here a Scripture reading, a reflection, and a short prayer. This year’s contributors represent 24 different Presbyterian-supported student faith communities on 41 college campuses (plus a few neighbors from other areas of the Church). They use a variety of words to refer to God, and engage the world around us in a myriad of ways too.  As we imagine a way forward together, may there be reflections here that resonate with you, ones that challenge you, and maybe even some that do both.    

In hope,
Rev. Allison Wehrung

Editor | Campus Minister, UKirk Ole Miss

*Rory Cooney, “Canticle of the Turning” (GIA Publications, Inc, 1990).

PS – Here’s a video of the hymn from Rev. Meredith Cox, friend of UKirk Nashville!

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